How to Turn Sleep Mode off on Android?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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How to Turn Sleep Mode off on Android?

Are you tired of your Android device going into sleep mode at inconvenient times? In this article, we will guide you through the process of disabling sleep mode on your Android device. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your device stays active and accessible whenever you need it.

To turn off sleep mode on your Android device, you can go to the Settings menu and navigate to the Display settings. From there, select the Sleep option. You will have the option to choose the desired amount of time before your device goes into sleep mode.

Alternatively, some Android devices may have a developer option called “Stay awake” that you can enable. This option prevents the screen from sleeping while charging, keeping your device awake and ready for use.

By disabling sleep mode on your Android device, you can avoid interruptions and ensure that your device remains active for as long as you need it. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on optimizing your Android experience.

How to Set Up Sleep Mode on Google Pixel Phones

Google Pixel phones offer a convenient feature called sleep mode, which allows you to optimize your device for a peaceful night’s rest. By setting up sleep mode on your Google Pixel phone, you can reduce distractions and enjoy uninterrupted sleep. Here’s how you can do it:

Accessing Digital Wellbeing

To begin, go to the Settings menu on your Google Pixel phone. From there, select “Digital Wellbeing & parental controls.” This feature provides you with various tools to manage your device usage and improve your digital well-being.

Enabling Bedtime Mode

Once you’re in the Digital Wellbeing settings, tap on “Bedtime mode.” This feature is designed to help you wind down before bed and optimize your sleep environment. By enabling Bedtime mode, you can activate sleep mode on your Google Pixel phone.

Customizing Sleep Mode Settings

Within Bedtime mode, you can customize the settings to suit your preferences. You can set a schedule for when sleep mode should automatically activate, ensuring that your phone doesn’t disturb you during your designated sleep hours. Additionally, you can choose to enable features like grayscale and dark mode, which can help reduce the stimulation from your phone’s screen.

Furthermore, Google Pixel phones offer a unique feature within sleep mode called cough and snore detection. By enabling this option, your phone can track your sleep habits and provide insights into your sleep quality.

With sleep mode set up on your Google Pixel phone, you can enhance your sleep environment and ensure a more peaceful and restful night’s sleep. By reducing distractions and optimizing your device for sleep, you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

How to Set Up Sleep Mode on Samsung Galaxy Phones

If you own a Samsung Galaxy phone, you have the option to set up sleep mode to ensure a restful night’s sleep without interruptions. Sleep mode on Samsung Galaxy phones, also known as Sleep mode, allows you to customize various settings to create an optimal sleep environment.

Accessing Sleep Mode on Samsung Galaxy Phones

To access Sleep mode on your Samsung Galaxy phone, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your phone.
  2. Select Modes and Routines.
  3. Tap on Sleep mode.

Customizing Sleep Mode Settings

Once you’ve accessed Sleep mode, you can customize the following settings:

  • Sleep schedule: Set the days and times you typically sleep to activate Sleep mode automatically.
  • Do not disturb: Enable this option to mute incoming calls and notifications while Sleep mode is active.
  • Grayscale: Switch to grayscale mode to reduce screen stimulation before sleep.
  • Dark mode: Use dark mode to minimize eye strain and promote better sleep.
  • Power saving mode: Optimize power usage during sleep mode to conserve battery life.
  • App restrictions: Restrict certain apps from opening when Sleep mode is active to prevent distractions.

By setting up Sleep mode on your Samsung Galaxy phone, you can create a customized sleep experience that caters to your individual needs and promotes a more peaceful and uninterrupted rest.

Sleep Mode Settings Description
Sleep schedule Set the days and times for Sleep mode to automatically activate
Do not disturb Mute incoming calls and notifications during Sleep mode
Grayscale Switch to grayscale mode to reduce screen stimulation
Dark mode Enable dark mode for reduced eye strain
Power saving mode Optimize power usage during Sleep mode
App restrictions Restrict certain apps from opening during Sleep mode


Sleep mode is a valuable feature that can help you conserve battery power and minimize distractions on your Android device while you sleep. Whether you want to disable sleep mode altogether or customize its settings, the process is simple and can be done on any Android device.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily turn off sleep mode on your Android device or set it up according to your preferences. Whether you own a Google Pixel phone or a Samsung Galaxy phone, the options are straightforward and allow for personalization.

Disabling sleep mode or adjusting its settings will ensure that your Android device remains active and accessible whenever you need it, without being interrupted by unwanted notifications. Prioritize your sleep and make use of the sleep mode feature on your Android device to enhance your overall well-being and device usage.

Tony Garrett

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