How to Stop Spinning When Drunk and Trying to Sleep?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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How to Stop Spinning When Drunk and Trying to Sleep?

To stop spinning when drunk and trying to sleep, there are a few strategies you can try. First, drink water to help your body filter out toxins and replenish fluids. You can also focus on a fixed object in the room to lessen the spinning feeling. Watching a movie or playing video games can distract your mind and reduce the disorienting sensation. Additionally, placing a cool cloth with lavender oil over your forehead can provide a calming effect. Lying down on your bed with one foot on the floor can help reduce the spinning feeling. Getting some sleep and allowing your body to process the toxins can also alleviate the spins. Taking over-the-counter painkillers, except for aspirin, can help relieve any headaches or discomfort associated with the spins.

Preemptive Ways to Avoid the Spins

Experiencing the spins when drunk can be a disorienting and uncomfortable sensation. However, there are preemptive measures you can take to avoid this unpleasant experience. By following these tips, you can minimize the risk of experiencing dizziness after drinking:

  1. Eat a meal before drinking: Consuming food before consuming alcohol can help protect your stomach and slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.
  2. Drink pear juice: Pear juice has been found to break down alcohol and lower blood alcohol levels, reducing the likelihood of experiencing the spins.
  3. Alternate alcohol with water: Drinking water in between alcoholic beverages can help maintain hydration and prevent dehydration-induced dizziness.
  4. Drink in moderation: It’s essential to know your limits and avoid exceeding your body’s ability to process alcohol. Responsible drinking can significantly decrease the chances of getting the spins.
  5. Avoid darker drinks: Darker alcoholic beverages, such as red wine or whiskey, contain congeners that may exacerbate hangover symptoms and increase the likelihood of experiencing the spins.
  6. Allow your body to recover: Waiting at least 48 hours before consuming alcohol again allows your body enough time to fully process the toxins and prevents the spins from recurring.

By implementing these preemptive strategies, you can enjoy your alcoholic beverages while minimizing the risk of dizziness and spinning sensations. Remember to always prioritize self-care and drink responsibly.

Preventive Measures Effectiveness
Eating a meal before drinking Effective in slowing down alcohol absorption and protecting the stomach.
Drinking pear juice May help break down alcohol and lower blood alcohol levels.
Alternating alcohol with water Maintains hydration and prevents dehydration-induced dizziness.
Drinking in moderation Reduces the chances of exceeding the body’s alcohol processing capacity and experiencing the spins.
Avoiding darker drinks Reduces the presence of congeners that can worsen hangover symptoms.
Taking breaks between drinking Allows the body time to recover and prevents the spins from recurring.

Common Symptoms and Causes of the Spins

The spins, also known as alcohol-induced dizziness, can manifest with various symptoms that can be distressing and disorienting. If you’ve ever experienced the spins, you may have felt dizzy, lightheaded, or even had a sensation that the room was spinning. These symptoms often accompany other signs such as falling, unfocused eyes, swaying while standing, stumbling or staggering, and difficulty standing up after sitting.

So, what exactly causes the spins when drinking? The primary culprit is alcohol’s impact on the inner ear. Alcohol affects the canals and the cupula in the inner ear, leading to altered signals being sent to the brain. This disruption is caused by the thinning of the blood and the resulting difference in density between the fluid in the canals and the cupula.

This distortion of signals can occur even at a low blood alcohol level, and certain movements such as tilting the head or lying down can trigger the spins. It’s important to note that individual susceptibility to the spins may vary, and some people may be more prone to experiencing this phenomenon than others.

Common Symptoms of the Spins Causes of the Spins
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sensation of the room spinning
  • Falling
  • Unfocused eyes
  • Swaying while standing
  • Stumbling or staggering
  • Difficulty standing up after sitting
  • Alcohol’s impact on the inner ear
  • Thinning of the blood
  • Difference in density between the fluid in the canals and the cupula


In conclusion, effectively managing and stopping the spins when drunk is crucial for a more comfortable experience. By implementing certain strategies, you can alleviate the spinning sensation and even prevent it from occurring in the first place.

When experiencing the spins, drinking water and replenishing fluids can help your body filter out toxins and reduce dizziness. Focusing on a fixed object in the room can provide relief by minimizing the spinning feeling. Engaging in activities like watching a movie or playing video games can distract your mind, reducing disorientation.

However, it’s important to note that prevention is key. Drinking in moderation, consuming a meal before drinking, and staying hydrated with water can all help avoid the spins altogether. Understanding the symptoms and causes of alcohol-induced dizziness can also empower you to manage it better.

Remember, practicing self-care and listening to your body’s signals when consuming alcohol is essential. By incorporating these tips into your drinking routine, you can enjoy a more enjoyable and controlled experience, minimizing the discomfort of alcohol-induced spins.

Tony Garrett

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