How to Get Pee Stains Out of an Air Mattress?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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If you’re dealing with pee stains on your air mattress, it’s essential to take immediate action and follow the right cleaning techniques. Fresh stains are easier to remove, so acting quickly is key. Start by identifying the material of your mattress and the type of stain to determine the best cleaning solution. Blot liquid stains or scrape off solid stains before proceeding. If your mattress is machine washable, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Next, assess the extent of the stain and use either a soap-and-water or vinegar-and-water solution to clean the mattress. After applying the solution, rinse the mattress thoroughly using a garden hose or in a shower if possible. Remember to allow the mattress to air dry completely to prevent mold growth. If you notice any lingering odor, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area to help neutralize it.

For stubborn urine stains, diluted peroxide can be quite effective. Gently apply it to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. If necessary, you can also use rubbing alcohol or vinegar in a water solution for deep cleaning. Vacuuming, blotting with a damp cloth, or scrubbing with a mixture of water and vinegar can help remove the stain. Once you’re done, make sure to remove excess moisture and allow the air mattress to dry thoroughly.

Lastly, if odor still persists after cleaning, you can consider using odor eliminators or fresheners specifically designed for this purpose. Remember that regular maintenance and preventative measures are crucial in avoiding future accidents. Properly inflating your air mattress and maintaining cleanliness will help ensure its longevity and avoid any unwanted surprises.

Act quickly to remove fresh pee stains

Fresh pee stains are much easier to handle, so it’s crucial to act swiftly and remove any excess liquid or solid stains from your air mattress. The first step is to identify and blot any liquid stains with a clean cloth or paper towel. Gently press the cloth onto the stain to absorb as much of the urine as possible. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can spread the stain further into the mattress.

If there is a solid stain, carefully scrape off the material using a plastic scraper or spoon. Be gentle to avoid damaging the mattress surface. Once the excess liquid or solid stain has been removed, it’s time to proceed with the cleaning process.

Determine the cleaning solution based on mattress material and stain type

Before applying any cleaning solution, it’s important to determine the material of your air mattress and the type of pee stain. Different materials require different cleaning approaches, and using the wrong solution can potentially damage the mattress. Check the manufacturer’s instructions or tags for guidance on the material of your mattress.

For most air mattresses, a mild soap-and-water solution or a vinegar-and-water solution works well for general cleaning. If the stain is particularly stubborn, you can try using diluted peroxide or other deep cleaning solutions. Remember to always perform a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress first to ensure that the cleaning solution is safe and doesn’t cause any discoloration.

Material Cleaning Solution
Vinyl or PVC Mild soap-and-water solution
Fabric or Nylon Vinegar-and-water solution
Other materials Consult manufacturer’s instructions

Remember, always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance of your specific air mattress.

Determine the Cleaning Solution Based on Mattress Material and Stain Type

Before delving into the cleaning process, it’s important to consider the material of your air mattress and the type of stain you’re dealing with to determine the suitable cleaning solution. Different materials and stains require specific approaches to ensure effective stain removal without causing damage.

If your air mattress is made of PVC or vinyl, a mild soap-and-water solution is usually safe to use. Mix lukewarm water with a few drops of gentle dish soap, creating a soapy solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the material.

For fabric or cloth air mattresses, a vinegar-and-water solution can be effective. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Vinegar’s natural acidity helps break down stains and neutralize odors. Before applying the solution, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage.

Now, let’s consider the type of stain. For fresh liquid stains, begin by blotting the area with a clean cloth to absorb as much moisture as possible. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as it can push the stain deeper into the mattress fibers. Solid stains, such as urine or feces, should be gently scraped off the surface using a plastic spatula or spoon, taking care not to damage the material.

Material Recommended Cleaning Solution
PVC or vinyl Mild soap-and-water solution
Fabric or cloth Vinegar-and-water solution

By considering both the material and stain type, you can determine the most appropriate cleaning solution for your air mattress. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and perform a spot test before applying any cleaning solution to the entire mattress. Taking these precautions will help ensure effective stain removal while preserving the quality and longevity of your air mattress.

Clean the mattress with soap-and-water or vinegar-and-water solution

Once you’ve determined the cleaning solution, it’s time to clean the pee stains from your air mattress using either a soap-and-water or vinegar-and-water solution. These simple and readily available solutions can effectively remove the stains and help restore your mattress to its original condition.

To clean the mattress with a soap-and-water solution, mix a small amount of mild liquid soap with warm water in a bucket or basin. Use a clean cloth or sponge to gently scrub the stained area in a circular motion. Be sure to cover the entire stain and work the solution into the fabric. Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently and continue to apply the soapy solution until the stain fades away.

If you prefer to use vinegar and water, create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution directly onto the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes to penetrate the stain. Then, use a clean cloth or sponge to blot the stain, applying gentle pressure without rubbing. Continue blotting until the stain is gone.

Soap-and-Water Solution Vinegar-and-Water Solution
Mix mild liquid soap with warm water Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water
Gently scrub the stained area Spray the solution onto the stained area and let it sit
Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently Blot the stain with a clean cloth or sponge
Continue applying the soapy solution until the stain fades Repeat blotting until the stain is gone

Remember to rinse the mattress thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap or vinegar residue. You can use a garden hose or take the mattress into the shower if possible. After rinsing, allow the mattress to air dry completely in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors in the sun. This will help prevent the growth of mold or mildew.

If there is still a lingering odor after cleaning, sprinkle baking soda on the troubled area and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it off. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help absorb any remaining odor. If the stain persists or is particularly stubborn, you can try using rubbing alcohol or a stronger vinegar solution for deep cleaning. Vacuuming, blotting with a damp cloth, and scrubbing with a mixture of water and vinegar are recommended steps for deep cleaning.

To prevent future accidents, it is important to maintain your air mattress regularly. Proper inflation and cleanliness are key. Keep the mattress protected with a mattress cover or a waterproof sheet. If accidents do happen, follow the cleaning instructions promptly to minimize staining and odor.


  • Use a soap-and-water or vinegar-and-water solution to clean pee stains from your air mattress.
  • Mix mild liquid soap with warm water and scrub the stain gently with a cloth or sponge for a soap-and-water solution.
  • Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, spray it onto the stain, and blot it with a clean cloth or sponge for a vinegar-and-water solution.
  • Rinse the mattress thoroughly and let it air dry completely to prevent mold.
  • If odor lingers, sprinkle baking soda on the troubled area and vacuum it off after a few hours.
  • For deeper cleaning, try rubbing alcohol or a stronger vinegar solution, and follow up with vacuuming, blotting, and scrubbing.
  • Regular maintenance, proper inflation, and cleanliness can help prevent future accidents.
Soap-and-Water Solution Vinegar-and-Water Solution
Mix mild liquid soap with warm water Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water
Gently scrub the stained area Spray the solution onto the stained area and let it sit
Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently Blot the stain with a clean cloth or sponge
Continue applying the soapy solution until the stain fades Repeat blotting until the stain is gone

Remove stubborn urine stains with diluted peroxide or deep cleaning solutions

If the urine stains prove to be more stubborn, you can turn to diluted peroxide or deep cleaning solutions like rubbing alcohol or vinegar. These solutions are effective in breaking down and removing persistent stains. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use them:

  1. Start by blotting any excess urine from the mattress using a clean cloth or paper towels. Be gentle to avoid spreading the stain further.
  2. If the stain is still visible, create a diluted peroxide solution by mixing equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.
  3. Using a clean cloth or sponge, gently dab the diluted peroxide solution onto the stain. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the mattress fibers.
  4. Allow the solution to sit on the stain for about 15 minutes to break down the urine particles.
  5. After the allotted time, blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove the peroxide solution.
  6. If the stain persists, you can try using rubbing alcohol or vinegar as alternative deep cleaning solutions.
  7. For rubbing alcohol, dampen a cloth with the alcohol and gently blot the stain. Again, avoid rubbing vigorously.
  8. If using vinegar, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Blot the area with a clean cloth to remove the vinegar solution.

Once you have successfully treated the stain, it’s crucial to remove any excess moisture and properly dry the air mattress. This helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew. You can use a fan or open windows to facilitate the drying process. Additionally, sprinkle baking soda on the troubled area to help eliminate any lingering odor. Leave the baking soda on for several hours or overnight, then vacuum it off.

Regular maintenance and preventative measures are also essential to avoid future accidents. Inflate your air mattress properly to reduce the risk of leaks and spills. Keep the mattress clean by regularly vacuuming and wiping it down with a mild detergent solution. Promptly address any spills or stains as they occur to prevent them from setting in. By following these steps, you can effectively remove stubborn urine stains from your air mattress and maintain its cleanliness and freshness over time.

Solution Steps
Diluted Peroxide 1. Blot excess urine
2. Create diluted solution
3. Dab the solution onto stain
4. Let it sit for 15 minutes
5. Blot with damp cloth
Rubbing Alcohol 1. Blot excess urine
2. Dampen cloth with alcohol
3. Blot the stain gently
Vinegar Solution 1. Blot excess urine
2. Mix vinegar and water in spray bottle
3. Spray solution onto stain
4. Let it sit for a few minutes
5. Blot with clean cloth

Ensure proper drying and apply odor eliminators if needed

Once your air mattress is clean, it’s crucial to ensure proper drying to prevent mold growth and tackle any lingering odor. Dampness can create the perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive, leading to potential health hazards. Follow these steps to ensure your mattress is thoroughly dried:

  1. Remove any excess moisture by blotting the mattress with a dry towel or using a wet/dry vacuum cleaner on the lowest setting.
  2. If possible, take the mattress outside and place it in a well-ventilated area. This will speed up the drying process and help fresh air circulate.
  3. Allow the mattress to air dry naturally. Avoid using heaters or direct sunlight, as excessive heat can damage the material of the mattress.
  4. If you’re unable to take the mattress outside or if the weather isn’t suitable, you can dry it indoors by placing a fan near the mattress. Direct the airflow towards the surface of the mattress to expedite drying.

During the drying process, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of mold or mildew. If you notice any discoloration, musty smells, or black spots, take immediate action to address it. Apply a mold and mildew cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions, or create a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water. Gently scrub the affected areas, then rinse thoroughly and allow the mattress to dry completely.

Applying odor eliminators

If there’s still a residual odor after cleaning and drying the mattress, you can use odor eliminators or fresheners to neutralize the smell. Here are a few options:

  • Sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface of the mattress and let it sit for a few hours to absorb any remaining odors. Vacuum the mattress to remove the baking soda.
  • Use a commercial odor eliminator specifically designed for removing odors from fabrics and upholstery. Follow the instructions on the product for best results.
  • You can also create your own natural odor eliminator by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the mattress, ensuring not to saturate it, and allow it to air dry.

By following these steps and ensuring proper drying, you can effectively remove pee stains from your air mattress and eliminate any potential mold growth or odors. Remember to regularly inspect and maintain your mattress to prevent future accidents and keep it in optimal condition.

Step Action
1 Remove excess moisture
2 Place mattress in a well-ventilated area
3 Allow mattress to air dry
4 Use a fan if necessary
5 Check for mold or mildew
6 Apply mold and mildew cleaner if needed
7 Apply odor eliminators

Regular maintenance and preventative measures for future accidents

To prevent future accidents and maintain a clean air mattress, regular maintenance and preventative measures are key.

To start, ensure the mattress is properly inflated and check for any leaks or damages. Periodically inspect the mattress for any signs of wear and tear, such as small punctures or weak seams. Promptly repair any issues using a repair kit or patch designed for air mattresses.

Additionally, it is essential to keep the mattress clean to prevent stains and odors. Regularly remove any dirt, debris, or pet hair by vacuuming the mattress’s surface. For spills or accidents, quickly clean the affected area using a mild soap and water solution or a fabric cleaner recommended for the type of mattress material. Blot the stain gently, avoiding excessive rubbing or scrubbing that may damage the fabric or mattress surface.

As an extra preventative measure, consider using a mattress protector or waterproof cover. These protective layers serve as a barrier between the mattress and any potential spills or accidents. They are easy to clean and can help extend the life of your air mattress.


Q: How do I remove fresh urine stains from an air mattress?

A: Act quickly by blotting liquid stains or scraping off solid stains. Remove any excess stain before proceeding with cleaning. Make sure to follow the cleaning instructions based on the material of the mattress.

Q: What cleaning solution should I use for different types of stains and mattress materials?

A: Determine the type of stain and the material of the air mattress to choose the appropriate cleaning solution. For general cleaning, use a soap-and-water or vinegar-and-water solution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for machine-washable mattresses.

Q: How can I remove stubborn urine stains from an air mattress?

A: For stubborn urine stains, you can try using a diluted peroxide solution or deep cleaning solutions like rubbing alcohol or vinegar. Follow the instructions provided and make sure to rinse the mattress thoroughly and allow it to dry completely.

Q: How do I ensure proper drying and eliminate lingering odors?

A: Properly dry the air mattress after cleaning to prevent mold. Remove excess moisture, use baking soda to control odor, and consider using odor eliminators or fresheners if necessary.

Q: What are some preventative measures to avoid future accidents?

A: Regular maintenance, such as proper inflation and cleanliness, can help prevent future accidents. Take preventative actions like using mattress protectors or covers and addressing spills or stains promptly.

Tony Garrett

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