How to Deflate an Intex Air Mattress With a Pump?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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Deflating an Intex air mattress with a pump is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Whether your mattress has a built-in pump or requires a separate pump, I’ll guide you through each technique to ensure a smooth deflation.

Firstly, let’s prepare the mattress for deflation. Remove any accessories and place the mattress on a hard surface for stability.

If your Intex air mattress is equipped with a built-in pump, locate the deflate button or dial. Once found, simply turn it on and let the pump work its magic, sucking out the air and deflating the mattress effortlessly.

However, if your mattress doesn’t have a built-in pump, fret not! You can still deflate it using a separate pump. Attach the fitting nozzle to the valve and activate the pump to extract the air. The nozzle ensures a secure connection, allowing for an efficient deflation process.

If a pump is not readily available, don’t worry. You can still deflate the mattress manually. Open the valve and apply pressure to the mattress by having someone lie on it or pressing their hands and knees on it. This method may require a bit more effort, but it can get the job done without a pump.

Once the mattress is fully deflated, it’s crucial to close the valve tightly to secure the remaining air inside and prevent any potential re-inflation.

Now that the mattress is deflated, let’s move on to storage preparation. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can either fold or roll up the air mattress. Folding or rolling it properly ensures compact storage and avoids unnecessary creases or damage.

Before storing the deflated mattress, take a moment to inspect it for any holes or tears. If you come across one, don’t panic. Repairing minor damages can be easily done with the appropriate repair kit provided by Intex or using suitable patches.

Once the repair is complete (if required), store the air mattress in a clean, dry area with a cool temperature. This environment will help maintain the mattress’s longevity and prevent any potential mold or mildew growth.

Remember, deflating an Intex air mattress correctly is crucial to its durability and overall lifespan. By following these simple steps, you’ll ensure that your mattress remains in excellent condition, ready for your next peaceful night’s sleep.

Step-by-Step Guide for Deflating an Intex Air Mattress with a Built-in Pump

If your Intex air mattress is equipped with a built-in pump, you can easily deflate it by following these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Preparation: Remove all accessories from the mattress and place it on a hard surface.
  2. Locate the deflate button or dial on the built-in pump.
  3. Turn on the pump by pressing the deflate button or rotating the dial counterclockwise.
  4. Allow the pump to suck out the air from the mattress. You will hear a hissing sound as the air is released.
  5. Continue deflating until the mattress is completely flat. You can press down on the mattress to help remove any remaining air.
  6. Once the mattress is fully deflated, turn off the pump and remove the nozzle from the valve.
  7. Close the valve tightly to prevent any air from re-entering the mattress.

To store the deflated air mattress, fold it or roll it up according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This will help minimize space and make it easier to store. Before storing, it’s important to check the mattress for any holes or tears. If you find any, make the necessary repairs before storing to ensure the mattress remains in good condition.

For long-term storage, keep the deflated mattress in a clean and dry area with cool temperatures. This will help maintain its quality and extend its lifespan.

Step Instructions
1 Prepare the mattress by removing accessories and placing it on a hard surface.
2 Locate the deflate button or dial on the built-in pump.
3 Turn on the pump by pressing the deflate button or rotating the dial counterclockwise.
4 Allow the pump to extract the air from the mattress until it is completely deflated.
5 Press down on the mattress to help remove any remaining air.
6 Turn off the pump and remove the nozzle from the valve.
7 Tightly close the valve to prevent air from re-entering.

Deflating an Intex air mattress with a built-in pump is a quick and convenient process. By following these simple steps, you can easily prepare your mattress for storage or transportation, ensuring its longevity and performance.

Step-by-Step Guide for Deflating an Intex Air Mattress with a Separate Pump

If your Intex air mattress does not have a built-in pump, you can still deflate it using a separate pump. Here’s how:

  1. Preparation: Remove all accessories from the mattress and place it on a hard surface.
  2. Attach the pump: Find a pump with a fitting nozzle that matches the valve on your Intex air mattress.
  3. Connect the pump: Insert the nozzle into the valve and secure it tightly to ensure a proper seal.
  4. Turn on the pump: Switch on the pump and let it run to suck out the air from the mattress.
  5. Monitor the deflation: Pay attention to the mattress as it deflates. You can press down on it to help release the air more quickly.

Once the mattress is fully deflated, make sure to close the valve tightly to prevent any air from re-entering the mattress.

To fold up the air mattress for storage, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some mattresses are best folded, while others are more suitable for rolling. Check the instructions to ensure you are folding or rolling it correctly.

Before storing the deflated mattress, inspect it for any holes or tears. If you find any damage, make the necessary repairs before storing it. This will help prolong the lifespan of your Intex air mattress and ensure its longevity.

Step Description
1 Remove all accessories and place the mattress on a hard surface.
2 Attach the pump nozzle to the valve securely.
3 Switch on the pump and allow it to deflate the mattress.
4 Close the valve tightly after deflation.

Deflating an Intex Air Mattress Without a Pump

If you find yourself without a pump, don’t worry! There are alternative methods you can use to deflate your Intex air mattress. Manual deflation is a simple and effective technique that requires no additional equipment. Here’s how you can deflate your mattress without a pump:

  1. Preparation: Remove all accessories from the mattress and place it on a hard surface.
  2. Open the valve: Locate the valve on your Intex air mattress and open it. This will allow the air to escape.
  3. Apply pressure: To release the air, you can either have someone lie on the mattress or press their hands and knees on it. Applying pressure will force the air out of the mattress.
  4. Repeat if necessary: Depending on the size and firmness of your mattress, you may need to repeat the process a few times to ensure all the air is expelled.
  5. Close the valve: Once the mattress is fully deflated, close the valve tightly to prevent any air from re-entering.

After deflating your mattress, it’s important to fold or roll it up properly for storage. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure you don’t cause any damage to the mattress. Inspect the deflated mattress for any holes or tears, and repair them if necessary.

Store the mattress in a clean and dry area where temperatures remain cool. This will help maintain its quality and extend its lifespan. Keeping your Intex air mattress properly deflated and stored will ensure that it’s ready for use whenever you need it.

Deflation Method Equipment Required
Built-in Pump No additional equipment needed
Separate Pump Separate pump with fitting nozzle
Manual Deflation No additional equipment needed

Remember, proper deflation is crucial to maintaining the longevity of your Intex air mattress. By following these steps and taking good care of your mattress, you can ensure that it remains in excellent condition for years to come.

Closing the Valve and Storage Preparation

Once your Intex air mattress is completely deflated, it’s important to close the valve tightly to prevent any air from re-entering. This will ensure that the mattress stays compact and ready for storage. Simply locate the valve on the mattress, usually located near the inflation port, and twist it closed. Ensure that it is sealed tightly to maintain the deflated state.

After closing the valve, it’s time to prepare the mattress for storage. Start by removing any beddings or accessories from the mattress surface. Place the deflated mattress on a clean and dry surface, preferably a hard one, to prevent any moisture from seeping in. Moisture can cause damage and mold growth, so it’s crucial to keep the mattress away from damp or wet areas.

Next, check the manufacturer’s recommendations on whether to fold or roll up the deflated mattress for storage. Some mattresses are better suited for folding, while others may be rolled more easily. Follow the instructions provided to ensure that you store the mattress in the most space-efficient way. Take care not to bend or twist the mattress excessively, as this can lead to damage or deformities.

Storage Tips: Do’s and Don’ts:
Store the mattress in a cool and dry area. Avoid storing the mattress in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
Ensure the mattress is clean and free from any debris before storing it. Do not store the mattress in a compressed state for long periods.
Consider using a mattress storage bag or cover to protect it from dust and dirt. Avoid storing the mattress in a space with sharp objects that can puncture it.
Regularly check the stored mattress for any signs of damage or pests. Do not place heavy objects on top of the stored mattress.

By following these simple steps for closing the valve and preparing your Intex air mattress for storage, you can ensure that it stays in good condition and ready for future use. Proper storage is essential for preserving the longevity of your mattress and preventing any unnecessary damage. With the correct storage techniques, you can enjoy a comfortable and reliable air mattress whenever you need it.

Folding or Rolling Up the Deflated Air Mattress for Storage

Before storing your deflated Intex air mattress, you’ll need to properly fold or roll it up to save space and prevent damage. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can either fold or roll the mattress. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Folding Method:

  1. Start by laying the deflated mattress flat on a clean and dry surface.
  2. Smooth out any wrinkles or creases to ensure an even fold.
  3. Next, fold the mattress in half lengthwise, bringing the top edge down to meet the bottom edge.
  4. Then, fold the mattress in half widthwise, bringing one side over to meet the other side.
  5. Continue folding in this manner until the mattress is compact and manageable.
  6. Secure the folded mattress with straps or ties to keep it in place during storage.

If your mattress came with a carrying bag or storage case, place the folded mattress inside for added protection. Otherwise, you can use a large plastic bag or wrap it in a clean sheet before storing it.

Rolling Method:

  1. Begin by laying the deflated mattress flat on a clean and dry surface.
  2. Starting from one end, tightly roll the mattress towards the opposite end.
  3. As you roll, press out any excess air to create a compact and uniform roll.
  4. Once rolled up, secure the mattress with straps or ties to maintain the shape.
  5. Place the rolled mattress in a carrying bag, storage case, or wrap it in a clean sheet for protection.

Remember to check for any holes or tears before folding or rolling the mattress. If you notice any damage, repair it using a patch kit or appropriate adhesive. Store the deflated and folded mattress in a clean, dry area away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to prolong its lifespan.

Folding Method Rolling Method
Pros: Pros:
– Provides a neat and compact fold – Saves space
– Can be secured with straps or ties – Allows for easy transportation
– Ideal for mattresses with larger dimensions – Keeps the mattress shape intact
Cons: Cons:
– Takes up more storage space – May be less suitable for mattresses with larger dimensions

Checking for Damage and Making Repairs

Before storing your deflated Intex air mattress, it’s crucial to check for any signs of damage that may require repairs. Inspecting the mattress thoroughly will help ensure its longevity and prevent any unexpected issues when you next use it. Here are some steps to follow when checking your mattress for damage:

  1. Start by visually inspecting the mattress for any visible tears, punctures, or holes. Pay close attention to the seams and corners, as these areas are more prone to damage.
  2. If you suspect there may be a leak but are unable to locate it visually, you can perform a simple leak test. Inflate the mattress partially and listen for any hissing sounds or feel for escaping air using the back of your hand. You can also apply a mixture of soap and water to the mattress’s surface and look for bubbles, which indicate a leak.
  3. If you find any damage, such as a minor puncture or small tear, you can repair it easily using an Intex repair patch kit. Follow the instructions provided with the kit to ensure a proper and secure repair. For larger or more extensive damage, it may be necessary to contact the manufacturer for further assistance or consider replacing the mattress.
  4. Once you have completed the inspection and any necessary repairs, make sure to clean the mattress thoroughly. Use mild soap and water to remove any dirt or stains, and allow it to dry completely before storing.

By regularly checking for damage and making repairs as needed, you can prolong the lifespan of your Intex air mattress and avoid any unpleasant surprises when you next use it. Proper maintenance and care will help ensure that your mattress remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Inspection Checklist: Repair Materials:
Visual inspection for tears, punctures, and holes Intex repair patch kit
Leak test using soap and water Mild soap
Cleaning the mattress Water
Soft cloth


Deflating an Intex air mattress with a pump is a quick and simple process that can help extend the lifespan of your mattress and ensure its proper storage. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily deflate your Intex air mattress and prepare it for storage.

Whether your mattress has a built-in pump or requires a separate pump, the deflation process remains straightforward. Simply turn on the deflate function on a built-in pump or use a separate pump to suck out the air. If you don’t have a pump, manual deflation can be achieved by applying pressure to the mattress.

After deflation, remember to close the valve tightly to prevent any air from re-entering. Folding or rolling up the deflated air mattress according to the manufacturer’s instructions is essential for proper storage. Additionally, take the time to inspect the mattress for any signs of damage and make any necessary repairs before storing it in a clean, dry area.

Properly deflating your Intex air mattress not only protects it from potential damage but also allows for easy storage and transportation. By following these steps, you can ensure that your mattress remains in optimal condition for many uses to come.


Q: How do I deflate an Intex air mattress with a pump?

A: To deflate an Intex air mattress with a pump, follow these steps:

Q: How do I deflate an Intex air mattress with a built-in pump?

A: If your mattress has a built-in pump, find the deflate button or dial and turn it on.

Q: How do I deflate an Intex air mattress with a separate pump?

A: If your mattress doesn’t have a built-in pump, use a separate pump with a fitting nozzle. Attach the nozzle to the valve and turn on the pump to suck out the air.

Q: How do I deflate an Intex air mattress without a pump?

A: If you don’t have a pump, open the valve and apply pressure to the mattress manually. Have someone lie on it or press their hands and knees on it to release the air.

Q: How should I close the valve and prepare the mattress for storage?

A: Once deflated, close the valve tightly. Store the mattress in a clean and dry area where temperatures remain cool.

Q: Should I fold or roll up the deflated Intex air mattress for storage?

A: Fold or roll up the deflated mattress according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Q: How do I check for damage and make repairs on the deflated air mattress?

A: Before storing, check for any holes or tears and make necessary repairs if needed.

Tony Garrett

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