Can You Sleep on an Air Mattress When Pregnant?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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Can You Sleep on an Air Mattress When Pregnant?Pregnancy can be one of the most magical times in a woman’s life. However, it also comes with its fair share of discomforts and challenges – including getting a good night’s sleep. As your body changes and that baby bump grows, finding a comfortable sleeping position becomes harder and harder. And even the best pregnancy pillow may not solve the problem completely.

I was curious to find out. As an expectant mom myself, I’ve spent many restless nights tossing and turning. My back pain seemed to get worse by the day and nothing provided lasting relief. Desperate for a decent sleep, I finally dragged my old air mattress out of the closet and plopped it on the bedroom floor. And let me tell you – it worked! Those few blissful nights convinced me that air mattresses can indeed provide a comfortable pregnancy sleeping solution.

But don’t just take my word for it. I decided to dig deeper into the pros, cons, and expert recommendations regarding sleeping on air beds during pregnancy. Here’s what I uncovered.

What Kind of Bed Should a Pregnant Woman Sleep On?

Before determining if an air mattress is suitable for expectant mothers, it helps to understand what experts recommend for pregnancy sleep surfaces in general.

Here are top tips from OBGYNs and maternal health specialists:

  • Choose a Firm Mattress: As the American Pregnancy Association explains, “a firm mattress is essential to provide the proper support a pregnant woman needs.” Soft beds can exacerbate back and joint pain.
  • Sleep on Your Side: Sleeping on your left side is ideal, as it “improves circulation to your heart and allows optimal blood flow to your uterus and kidneys.” Back and stomach sleeping are not recommended.
  • Consider Adjustable Beds: Beds that allow you to elevate your head and feet can help reduce swelling and acid reflux symptoms.
  • Try Pregnancy Pillows: Full-body pillows support your bump, cradle your knees, and reduce pressure points.
  • Allow Air Flow: Breathable mattresses like innerspring and latex allow airflow and reduce heat retention. Memory foam traps body heat.

So in summary, pregnant women need supportive yet cushioned sleep surfaces that keep expectant mothers comfortable in the side sleeping position. Adjustability is also key for accommodating a growing baby bump.

What Ways Not to Sleep While Pregnant?

Now that we’ve covered optimal pregnancy sleeping positions and surfaces, let’s look at what you should avoid:

  • Sleeping on Your Back: This can decrease circulation and lead to back labor, shortness of breath, and low blood pressure.
  • Sleeping Face Down: Similar to back sleeping, this position puts pressure on your abdomen and can reduce oxygen flow.
  • Sleeping with Too Many Pillows: While pregnancy pillows are great, too many can make you overheat.
  • Old, Worn Out Mattresses: Sagging beds with little support will worsen pregnancy aches and pains.
  • Firmness Extremes: Ultra firm or ultra soft mattresses can cause discomfort in side sleeping positions.
  • Using Electric Blankets: These can raise your body temperature too high during pregnancy.
  • Room Temperatures Over 75°F: Heat triggers night sweats and restless sleep.

The key is finding a happy medium – a sleep surface that is supportive yet cushioned, breathable and promotes side sleeping. Now let’s see how air mattresses stack up.

Can You Sleep on an Air Mattress When Pregnant?

Now let’s focus on the main question – are air mattresses suitable for pregnant women?

Air mattresses are inflatable nylon or PVC beds filled with air. They offer adjustable firmness levels and are a go-to temporary bed for house guests. But how do they stack up for expectant mothers?

Pros and Cons of Air Mattresses During Pregnancy

Pros Cons
Adjustable Firmness – You can customize the air pressure to suit your comfort needs. Prone to Deflation – Air leaks mean you could end up on the floor.
Affordable – Queen sizes often under $100, great temporary solution. Limited Edge Support – Sinking along the sides makes it tricky to get in and out of bed.
Portable – Easily move it around the house wherever you need it. Minimal Contouring – Flat firmness may not properly align spine and joints.
Extra Bedding Layer Possible – Add a mattress topper or pads for more softness. Can Get Cold – Air flow may require extra blankets for warmth.
Breathable – Air flows through for cooling benefits. Temporary Only – Not a long-term mattress solution.
No Motion Transfer – Limited partner disturbance.

Can You Sleep on a Memory Foam Mattress While Pregnant?

Memory foam mattresses contour closely to your body for customized comfort and support. However, they also come with some downsides for pregnant women:

Pros Cons
Relieve pressure points in hips/shoulders Trap heat and cause overheating
Provide good support for side sleeping Contain chemicals some want to avoid during pregnancy
Limit motion transfer so you won’t disturb your partner Difficult to switch positions on
Come in a range of firmness levels May feel too firm for some

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The Verdict? Memory foam is not inherently dangerous during pregnancy if you get a quality version. But the potential to sleep hot and feel “stuck” are definite issues. An open-cell, gel-infused memory foam mattress with breathable covers could work. But innerspring, latex or hybrid mattresses are likely better options for expectant mothers.

Trimester-Specific Recommendations

Wondering if air mattress use recommendations differ by trimester? Here’s a quick look:

First Trimester

  • Less common to experience back/hip pain this early.
  • If you do have discomfort, an air mattress could help. But use intermittently.
  • Main risk is mattress sliding on hard floors, so secure it properly.

Second Trimester

  • Back pain more likely to crop up around this time.
  • Try using an air bed 1-2 nights per week for pain relief.
  • Add soft topper for body contouring & comfort.

Third Trimester

  • Joint/back pain very common now as belly expands.
  • Air mattresses provide greater adjustability as needs change.
  • But limit use to 1-2x a week and check air levels closely.

So in summary, occasional, temporary use of air mattresses could provide relief from pregnancy pains during all trimesters – as long as comfort and safety precautions are taken.

5 Key Tips for Sleeping on an Air Mattress While Pregnant

If you do choose to use an air bed as a pregnancy sleeping solution, keep these top tips in mind:

  • Pick a Quality Model – Invest in a durable, supportive air mattress. Avoid cheap versions prone to air leaks.
  • Use a Mattress Pad – Add cushioning and body contouring via a mattress topper or pad.
  • Adjust Air Levels – Experiment to find the ideal firmness for your sleep position.
  • Re-Inflate Daily – Check and reset air levels before bed to prevent sagging.
  • Secure Properly – Ensure the mattress cannot slide on floors, especially if using alone.

The Bottom Line

While air mattresses are not regarded as optimal long-term sleep surfaces, occasional use during pregnancy for temporary pain relief is generally considered safe.

Focus on choosing a quality model, adding extra cushioning layers, finding an optimal firmness, and securing it properly on the floor. Limit use to 1-2 nights per week at most. And consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

With the right precautions, an air mattress could mean the difference between painful, sleepless nights and finally getting some much-needed rest during your pregnancy. Just use it as a short-term solution rather than your primary bed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Air Mattresses During Pregnancy

Still have questions about using air beds while pregnant? Here are answers to some commonly asked questions:

Can you sleep on an air mattress when pregnant first trimester?

In most cases, yes – occasional, short-term use in the first trimester is fine. Just take precautions against sliding/slipping and reduce use if you start experiencing discomfort.

Is it safe to sleep on an air mattress when pregnant second tri?

Temporary use of quality air mattresses can provide relief from back pain and other issues during the second trimester. Limit to 1-2 nights per week max.

Can an air mattress help pregnancy insomnia in the third trimester?

If discomfort is causing third trimester insomnia, an air bed could help for a few nights if positioned securely. But avoid long term use this late in pregnancy.

What air pressure is best for a pregnancy air mattress?

The ideal air pressure depends on your weight and sleep position preferences. Most women need a medium-firmness. Adjust in small increments until you find the sweet spot.

How can you make an air mattress more comfortable during pregnancy?

Use a padded mattress topper or soft memory foam pad to add cushioning. Also adjust the inflation level – more air isn’t always better for expectant mothers.

Should you stop using an air mattress before the third trimester?

It’s smart to discontinue use by the 8th month of pregnancy. The sagging edges become more problematic as your belly expands, making getting in and out of the bed difficult.

Is it better to use an air mattress on the floor vs. a bed frame?

The floor helps prevent sliding, shrugging and eliminates any space between the mattress and ground. This added safety outweighs the minor inconvenience of bed height.

Hopefully this answers any lingering questions you have about using air mattresses during the exciting – yet uncomfortable – time of pregnancy. Always consult your physician about sleep surface concerns. But an air bed could just become your new best friend on those rough pregnancy nights!

Tony Garrett

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