How to Make a Mac Sleep When the Lid Is Closed?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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How to Make a Mac Sleep When the Lid Is Closed?

By default, a Mac should automatically enter sleep mode when the lid is closed. However, some users experience issues where their Macs refuse to sleep when the lid is shut. This can lead to a drained battery and reduced device lifespan. Common causes for this issue include background applications, external peripherals, sleep mode settings, system errors, and hardware problems. Restarting the Mac and checking sleep settings configuration can help resolve the problem. Additionally, adjusting network access settings, checking for interfering background apps, disconnecting external devices, resetting NVRAM, and installing system updates may also be effective solutions.

Common Causes of Mac Not Sleeping When Lid Is Closed

When your Mac refuses to go to sleep when the lid is closed, it can be frustrating and inconvenient. Understanding the common causes of this issue can help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Here are some potential reasons why your Mac is not sleeping when the lid is closed:

  1. Background Applications: Certain applications running in the background may be using system resources, preventing your Mac from entering sleep mode. Identify and quit any unnecessary or interfering apps using Activity Monitor.
  2. External Peripherals: Connected devices like monitors, keyboards, or external storage can sometimes keep the Mac awake. Disconnect these peripherals and check if the sleep issue persists.
  3. Sleep Mode Settings: Incorrect or corrupt sleep mode settings can interfere with the Mac’s ability to enter sleep mode. Ensure that your sleep settings are configured correctly and consider resetting them to default if needed.
  4. System Errors: Glitches or errors within the operating system can also prevent your Mac from sleeping when the lid is closed. Restarting your Mac can help resolve temporary system issues.
  5. Hardware Problems: In some cases, hardware problems like a faulty sensor or defective lid switch can cause sleep issues. If you’ve tried all other troubleshooting steps without success, consider contacting an Apple repair center for further assistance.

By addressing each of these potential causes individually, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the issue of your Mac not sleeping when the lid is closed. Now that you have a better understanding of the common causes, it’s time to move on to the next section where we will discuss the steps to make a Mac sleep when the lid is closed.

Steps to Make a Mac Sleep When the Lid Is Closed

To ensure that your Mac enters sleep mode when the lid is closed, follow these steps:

  1. Configure sleep settings: Open System Preferences and click on “Energy Saver.” Under the “Power Adapter” and “Battery” tabs, adjust the time preferences for turning off the display when inactive. This will help conserve battery power and encourage sleep mode activation.
  2. Check network access settings: Some network access options may prevent your Mac from sleeping. Go to System Preferences, click on “Network,” and disable any listed options that may be interfering with sleep mode.
  3. Quit interfering background apps: Use Activity Monitor to identify any background applications that may be using system resources and preventing sleep. Quit these apps to allow your Mac to enter sleep mode.
  4. Disconnect external devices: Disconnect any external devices, such as monitors or keyboards, that might be keeping your Mac awake. These peripherals can sometimes override sleep mode settings and prevent your Mac from sleeping when the lid is closed.
  5. Reset NVRAM: Non-volatile random-access memory (NVRAM) stores system settings and preferences. Resetting NVRAM can help resolve sleep mode issues. Restart your Mac and hold down the Command + Option + P + R keys until you hear the startup sound twice.
  6. Install system updates: Keeping your Mac’s operating system up to date can address potential software bugs or compatibility issues that may affect sleep mode. Check for updates in the App Store and install any available updates.

If you have followed these steps and your Mac still refuses to sleep when the lid is closed, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance by contacting an Apple repair center. They can help diagnose and resolve any underlying hardware problems that may be causing the issue.

Sleep Mode Solutions Status
Configure sleep settings Complete
Check network access settings Complete
Quit interfering background apps Complete
Disconnect external devices Pending
Reset NVRAM Pending
Install system updates Pending


In conclusion, ensuring that your Mac sleeps when the lid is closed is crucial for preserving battery life and optimizing device performance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue of your Mac not sleeping when the lid is closed.

First, it’s important to restart your Mac and check the sleep settings configuration. This allows you to ensure that the appropriate time preferences are selected for turning off the display on both power adapter and battery when inactive. Additionally, adjusting network access settings and disabling any options that may be preventing sleep can be beneficial.

If your Mac still refuses to sleep, you can use the Activity Monitor to identify and quit any interfering background applications. Another helpful step is disconnecting external devices, such as monitors and keyboards, that may be keeping your Mac awake. Resetting the NVRAM and checking for system updates are also worth considering.

If all else fails, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance from an Apple repair center. They can provide further guidance and address any hardware-related issues that may be causing your Mac to stay awake when the lid is closed.

Tony Garrett

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