How to Disable Sleep Mode on Android Phone?

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Written By Tony Garrett

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How to Disable Sleep Mode on Android Phone?

Looking to keep your Android phone’s screen active for extended usage? You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore various methods to disable sleep mode on your Android device, allowing you to keep the screen on and enjoy uninterrupted usage.

Adjusting Sleep Settings on Android

To prevent your Android device from automatically going to sleep and adjust the screen timeout, you can easily access the sleep settings on your device. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Settings menu on your Android device.
  2. Tap on “Display” to access the display settings.
  3. Scroll down and find the “Sleep” or “Screen timeout” option.
  4. Tap on the option and choose the desired amount of time for the screen to stay on before turning off due to inactivity.
  5. Depending on the version of Android you’re using, you may also find a “Screen attention” feature that prevents the device from sleeping when you’re actively looking at it.

By adjusting the sleep settings on your Android device, you can prolong the screen timeout and prevent the device from going to sleep too quickly.

Adjusting Sleep Settings on Android

Adjusting the sleep settings on your Android device is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

Step Instructions
1 Open the Settings menu on your Android device.
2 Tap on “Display” to access the display settings.
3 Scroll down and find the “Sleep” or “Screen timeout” option.
4 Tap on the option and choose the desired amount of time for the screen to stay on before turning off due to inactivity.
5 If available, enable the “Screen attention” feature to prevent the device from sleeping when you’re looking at it.

By following these steps, you can customize the sleep settings on your Android device to better suit your preferences and prevent it from automatically sleeping after a short period of inactivity.

Using Third-Party Apps to Keep the Screen On

If you want to keep the screen on for extended usage on your Android device, there are third-party apps available that can help you achieve this. These apps provide additional options and flexibility beyond the default sleep settings on your device. One popular app for keeping the screen on is Screen Alive which allows you to customize the screen timeout duration.

After installing Screen Alive, you can configure the app to keep the screen on indefinitely or for a specific period of time that suits your needs. This is particularly useful if you’re using your Android device for activities that require continuous screen visibility, such as reading or watching videos.

Additionally, Screen Alive offers an inactivity counter that detects when you’re not interacting with the device. This helps to conserve battery life by turning off the screen when it’s not in use. You can adjust the settings of the app to match your preferences and ensure a balance between screen visibility and battery consumption.

Pros of Using Third-Party Apps to Keep the Screen On Cons of Using Third-Party Apps to Keep the Screen On
– Provides customizable screen timeout options – Can drain the device’s battery
– Offers flexibility for extended screen usage – May require additional permissions
– Allows for uninterrupted reading or video watching – Some apps may have compatibility issues


Using third-party apps to keep the screen on can be a convenient solution for those who require extended usage on their Android devices. However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential impact on battery life and device performance. It’s recommended to keep your device plugged in and charging while using these apps to ensure a seamless experience without worrying about running out of battery.

Exploring the Always on Display Feature

Many Android devices offer a convenient feature called Always on Display, which allows you to view basic information on your screen even when the device is in sleep mode. This feature is particularly useful for those who frequently check their phones for the time or other important details. Enabling Always on Display is a simple process that can be done through the Settings app on your Android device. Look for the corresponding option under Display or Lock screen settings, although the name may vary depending on your device manufacturer and operating system.

Once you enable Always on Display, you can customize the settings according to your preferences. You can choose what information is displayed on the screen, such as the time, date, or notifications. Some devices even allow you to add custom widgets or images to personalize the Always on Display feature. With this convenient functionality, you can easily glance at your phone to check the time or see if you have any unread notifications without having to unlock the device.

It’s important to note that while the Always on Display feature can be helpful, it may consume more battery power compared to traditional sleep mode. However, the impact on battery life is typically minimal, especially on newer Android devices. If you’re concerned about battery drain, you can customize the settings to limit the active time of the Always on Display or disable it when the device is in low battery mode. Overall, the Always on Display feature provides a convenient way to stay informed without fully waking your Android device from sleep mode.

Tony Garrett

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